Recycling treatment of bulky garbage and landscaping waste


The resource treatment of bulky waste and landscaping waste is of great significance. Traditional bulky waste and garden greening waste treatment is mainly carried out in the mode of landfilling and incineration as a supplement, resulting in waste of land and air pollution. At the same time, caused a huge waste of resources. After resource treatment, 80% to 90% of the bulky waste can be recycled and reused, and only about 10% of the bulky waste needs to be sent to the landfill. The resource utilization of landscaping waste is as high as 99% to 100%. Therefore, the resource treatment of bulky waste and landscaping waste is of great significance.

production line equipment for bulky waste and landscaping waste recycling treatment

What should we do in the recycling of bulky waste and landscaping waste?

In the front-end collection link of bulky waste and landscaping waste, set up centralized disposal points and temporary storage points on the street, for furniture, mattresses, sofas and other bulky waste, litter, tree and shrub trimmings, lawn trimmings and other landscaping wastes carry out specialized collection.

In the middle-end transportation link, the bulky garbage and landscaping garbage in the urban area are collected and transported by specialized units to the designated garbage processing center; the bulky garbage and landscaping garbage in the temporary storage point are collected and transported by the management unit of the jurisdiction to the designated garbage processing center .

In the end treatment link, set up a treatment center for bulky waste and landscaping waste, and introduce production line equipment for bulky waste and landscaping waste recycling treatment.

After the bulky waste and landscaping waste are treated as resources, they can be reused, incinerated for power generation, composting, etc., so that the bulky waste and landscaping waste are fully reused, and the problem of regional environmental pollution is significantly improved!

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