Mobile & Stationary Landscaping Waste Shredders


Landscaping waste, sometimes called organic waste, can consist of many different materials, including twigs, tree trunks, leaves, lawn clippings, fruit and vegetable waste, and more. Most of these materials take up a lot of landfill space, where they rot and produce dangerous amounts of methane. On the contrary, effective disposal of landscaping waste can be achieved with the help of GEP's powerful shredders.

Landscaping waste shredders play an important role in disposal systems as they prepare the material for further processing. Shredding is effective in reducing the volume of landscaping waste that covers landfills and converting it into useful uses such as compost or biogas. GEP can provide mobile shredders and stationary shredders for landscaping waste disposal, which are designed with the power needed to completely shred these materials.

Disposing of landscaping waste with a mobile shredder

Bulk landscaping waste disposal just got easier with the help of these mobile shredders. GEP's GPW series of mobile shredders are ideal for working in landfills and processing large volumes of organic waste. Equipped with solid-core knives, these heavy-duty shredders are capable of shredding many different types of landscaping waste with ease, and they offer customizable programs to better fit your various applications and production volumes. These shredders are mounted on a mobile chassis so they can be moved around the job site, making them versatile and maneuverable. You can easily transport this mobile shredder from one dump to another dump, saving time and covering more ground.

mobile green waste shredder

Disposing of landscaping waste with a stationary shredder

If you want to deal with green waste intensively, we recommend you to use our GDB stationary shredder, which has a strong crushing force, and this shredder can process almost any type of material, including oversized waste and garden green waste. It is one of the larger models we have available, boasting an output of up to 60 tons per hour. It handles landscaping waste with greater efficiency, allowing you to get a lot of shredding done in a day.

Regardless of the requirements of your landscaping waste disposal project, you can always find the shredder equipment that suits you at GEP ECOTECH. If you need it, please contact us!

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