Industrial machine shredder for hospital waste


With the increase of the population and the improvement of medical conditions, the amount of hospital waste is also increasing year by year. The treatment of hospital waste is an issue that cannot be ignored. Researchers said that if hospital waste is not properly disposed of, there are various toxic substances.

hospital waste

In order to reduce the toxic hazards of hospital waste, there are three main ways to effectively dispose of hospital waste:

1. Disinfect and perform destructive reduction treatment;

2. Burn on the spot in time;

3. If it cannot be incinerated, it shall be landfilled after disinfection.

The first two treatment methods need to crush the hospital waste, and then industrial machine shredder for hospital waste will be used.

shredder for hospital waste

The GD series double-shaft shredder manufactured by GEP ECOTECH is an ideal industrial machine shredder for hospital waste model. The equipment cutter can be customized according to the material characteristics, and the transmission components of the first-line brand ensure the efficient and stable operation of the equipment.

GD series double-shaft shredder have project cases in many parts of the world. If you are interested in industrial machine shredder for hospital waste or other solid waste disposal equipment, please contact GEP ECOTECH to provide you with professional support!

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