How to deal with domestic waste


Domestic waste also be called MSW (multi solid waste), MSW is solid waste produced in daily life or in activities that provide services for daily life. It can be divided into four categories: recyclable waste, kitchen waste, harmful waste and other garbage. Wood waste is sent to biomass power plant for power generation; metal items are sent to back-end recycling enterprises for recycling; other wastes (non-renewable) are handed over for incineration or landfill treatment.Through the comprehensive reuse of domestic waste,the pressure of terminal disposal of municipal waste is greatly reduced.

domestic waste shredder

GEP Ecotech designed domestic crushing and sorting system based on domestic waste features, domestic waste crushing and sorting system is mainly divided into four parts: crushing module, conveying module, sorting module, intelligent control module, including primaryshredder, conveying equipment, drum screening separator, magnetic iron separator, wind separator, fine shredderand GI intelligent control system. The system is a practical, feasible, reasonable and economical waste front end crushing, sorting and pretreatment system, which is mainly suitable for waste incineration power generation pretreatment, cement kiln coordinated disposal, comprehensive treatment of waste resources and so on.

This system is with high crushing and sorting efficiency, can be used in many industry, if you want to know more about domestic waste crushing and sorting, please feel free to contact with us.

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