How much is the solid waste shredder?


I often received customers’call that: hi Anna how much is a solid waste shredder? Actually it is a difficult question, because we all know solid waste has many different material, such as bulky waste, tire recycling, garden waste, good waste, domestic waste, medical waste and so on, there are so many materials are included in solid waste. So usually, I will ask customer four questions to confirm his demand, then quote the price.

solid waste shredder

First question, what's the material will be shred? For example, the shredder design will be different when shred waste tire or biomass, we will design different shredder detail based on different material, it will be better if we can see the material picture.

Second question, what's the material size, for example if shred waste tire, what’s the waste tire diameter, if shred biomass straw, it is scattered or bales, what’s the bale size, this will influence the design of the solid waste shred chamber.

Third question, What's the final shredded size needed? This is determined by the final shredded products usage. For example, when shred waste tire, if customer need 100mm size and 10mm, size, the equipment be used will be different, when 10mm products are needed, no better a solid waste shredder is needed, but also steel wire separator is needed and also other accessory equipment.

Last question is what's the capacity is needed, we also take tire shredding for example, 2 tons per hour and 5 tons per hour will use different size shredder.

When these four questions are confirmed, I can quote you a right solid waste shredder price based on your project demand, call me if you have questions on solid waste shredder.

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