Advanced RDF Treatment Line for Industrial Waste Management in France


Project profile

The customer is a strong company that does resource disposal of industrial solid waste in France. The processing materials are mainly combustible such as plastic bags, oily paper, waste clothing, and seasonal straw. Through the fully automated shredding, sorting and RDF molding process configured by GEP ECOTECH, industrial solid waste is converted into high-density and high-calorific RDF fuel, which is then sold to local coal-fired power plants for use, reducing coal consumption, reducing carbon emissions, optimizing air quality, and turning waste into precious while improving revenue.

RDF Treatment Line

Customer feedback

We use the third generation of European version shredder after the optimization and upgrade of GEP ECOTECH, the size of the material after shredding is very high, the output also meets the expectations, the scope of application of the material is also large, there is no need to buy more than one because of the complex composition of the material. The resulting RDF fuel has a high density and is not easy to loose in the process of stacking and transferring, because the quality is particularly good, the price is relatively high, and the profit is very considerable.

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