How to Recycling Waste Tires?


The correct disposal of scrap tires is an important and challenging issue. The systems manufactured by GEP Ecotech guarantee energy efficient recycling of tires by shredding to obtain several raw materials:

  • Rubber Chips: Ideal for volume reduction, easier storage and transportation.
  • Rubber crumb : 99% purity; This material is suitable for use in impact resistant rubber coatings, asphalt mixes, insulating and sound absorbing panels.
  • Tire reclaim: due to its specific properties, it is used in the production of automobile tires, rubber products, sports equipment, rubber footwear.
  • Processing by-products such as metal and textile cord.

Scrap Tires Shredding & Recycling Plant

Scrap Tires Primary Shredding

This is a low speed shredder that cuts whole tires into 150x150mm pieces.

Scrap Tires Secondary Shredding

A medium-speed shredder, at this stage, separates the metal cord from the chips by 72-94%, at the exit the size of the fraction can be from 15 to 30 mm. depending on the installed screen grid.

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