Case study of a single shaft shredder for domestic waste disposal


Domestic waste treatment refers to the treatment of solid waste generated from daily life or activities providing services for daily life, as well as solid waste considered to be domestic waste as defined by law and regulations, including source reduction, cleaning, separate collection, storage, transport, treatment, disposal and related management activities of domestic waste. The aim of treatment is to reduce the amount of waste produced and to make the "quality" (composition and characteristics) and "quantity" of waste more suitable for the subsequent treatment of goods for final disposal. Waste treatment is based on the criteria of reduction, harmlessness, resourcefulness, financial savings, land saving and satisfaction of the population, and is tailored to local conditions, with integrated treatment and step-by-step reduction. For example, waste is often compressed to facilitate transportation and reduce costs, and crushed and sorted to recover useful materials. If incineration or landfill is used as the final disposal method, the waste also needs to be properly shredded and sorted to make the disposal more effective.single shaft shredder

This was the case with a client I met in the Philippines who came to us to help him dispose of his household waste. He was going to mix the waste debris with cement and other materials and add magnesium oxide to make a hard artificial stone. The artificial stones are hard and absorbent enough to be placed in pots to grow flowers and plants, but more meaningful to be placed on the slopes of rivers in iron frames of a certain size to prevent erosion and protect vegetation. As his material first went through a manual sorting, there were no light and heavy metals in it as well as wood and other materials, most of them were plastic, which was very suitable for our single shaft fine shredder. A production line was made for the customer and the customer expressed his satisfaction.artificial stone

artificial stone

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