Landfill Waste Disposal Method and Equipment


The basic idea of landfill waste treatment is to use the corresponding resource utilization technology to make most of the waste reusable, and the waste that cannot be reused will be re-landfilled, so as to achieve a great reduction and resource processing of landfill waste.

Landfill waste disposal methods

The commonly used landfill waste treatment method is to dig out the landfill waste and then crush and screen it, and classify the waste according to the type of material utilization. After classification, the combustible materials can be used for incineration and power generation, and the humus can be used to cultivate urban landscape vegetation, the unusable material is landfilled. After treatment, more than 70% of the landfill storage capacity can be restored.

landfill shredding line

Landfill waste treatment equipment

Different projects have different processing technology routes, so the equipment used is also different. However, the equipment often used in the current mainstream landfill waste treatment methods are: waste transfer vehicles, feeders, homogenizers, feeding conveyors, waste shredders, trommel screens, sorting machines, magnetic separation machine, packing machine, etc.

According to your own needs, you can choose the appropriate disposal plan and equipment to achieve the desired effect. The following is the landfill waste disposal line equipment configured by GEP ECOTECH for our customers in Zhengzhou. Let us take a look at the operation effect of these landfill waste disposal equipment.

Zhengzhou Landfill Waste Disposal Line

GEP ECOTECH landfill waste treatment equipment has been inspected many times in operation, and has been continuously adjusted and changed, and a complete set of practical disposal solutions has been formed. The various types of waste shredders, sorting machines and other equipment specially developed for landfill waste provide new methods and new ideas for landfill waste disposal. If you also have landfill waste disposal needs, please contact us !

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