The improper disposal of oil sludge to the environment, create a major threat such as significant modifications in the chemical and physical properties of the surrounding soils, resulting in morphological change. GEP ECOTECH can provide a complete set of oil sludge disposal equipment to realize harmless and resourceful of oil sludge. Welcome to consult!
Petroleum sludge is an oily solid waste generated during oil field drilling, transportation, refining, and oil wastewater treatment. Petroleum sludge contains a large amount of malodor, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, harmful chemical heavy metals such…
The problem of industrial oily sludge disposalOily sludge is oily solid waste produced in the process of oil extraction, transportation, refining and oily sludge disposal. Generally, the oil content of sludge is 10-20%, the water content is 10-15%, and…