How to Pick the Useful Stuff out of a Used Fridge with a Four-Shaft Shredder?


Bulky waste refers to waste with large size, including bulky household furniture, which cannot be put into the normal household waste bins together with domestic waste because of its size or nature which does not fit into an approved waste container. In terms of delivery, bulky waste will be differentiated from normal household waste and delivered separately. Moreover, the prolonged depositing of bulky waste can seriously affect the cityscape and pollute the urban environment. A problem that is often overlooked is that although bulky waste is highly monolithic, many of its inner parts can be used.

Just as in the case of used refrigerators, which are common in our daily lives, recycling stations usually remove the motor and compressor, without realizing that the whole machine has a high value. One Cypriot customer specializes in recycling second-hand used refrigerators and wants to separate out the plastics (especially polyurethane) and metals (iron, copper and aluminum) to create secondary value. In Europe, much of the bulky waste is transported centrally to household waste treatment centers, where it is coarsely shredded and then fed into the same general sorting line as other household waste. The components crushed out of bulky furniture waste are wood, iron (sections, screws and hinges), aluminum profiles, glass, leather (artificial and genuine), textiles and cardboard, plastics (faux rattan plastic strips, plastic crimping strips, plastic sheeting, etc.) and sponges (polyurethane foam). Among the large pieces of scrap furniture recycled, metals are the materials with a high value of utilization and a large proportion of recycling, including ferrous scrap steel and common non-ferrous metals such as copper, zinc, lead and aluminum. In waste wood furniture, waste wood can be used for both material recycling and energy use. Material recycling refers to the secondary processing of waste wood after recycling to make various artificial boards for reuse, or waste wood can be made into activated carbon, industrial charcoal or synthetic gas for use as chemical raw materials. Energy use of waste wood refers to its use as industrial fuel in boilers or for power generation, and also as a civil fuel.

used fridge

Considering the material characteristics of bulky waste, our four-shaft shredder was recommended to the customer. The discharge size is in the range of 50-100 mm and the output is one ton per hour, depending of course on the material body. After our treatment, the customer said that the increase in efficiency was obvious.

four shaft shredder

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